Our work in Teacher Clarity starts with the standards breaking the grade level expectations into the essential core concepts and processes required. (TCPB, p. 10.)
Learning Intentions are a daily statement of what students are expected to learn. (TCPB p. 20)
Success Criteria are the evidence of the learning. What are students saying, thinking and doing to achieve the LI?
Assessment opportunities to check for understanding allow teachers and students to identify what students know and what is unknown. Assessment is the impact of our work.
Feedback related to formative checks for understanding drives where differentiation needs to happen and determining what next. "Feedback needs to be timely, specific, and actionable, meaning that students can apply the feedback to revise their work." (p. 78, Developing Assessment Capable Visible Learners, Frey, Fisher, Hattie 2018)
Courtesy Laura Matthews, Valleyview ES |
Courtesy Jomika Jackson, W. Mound ES |
Learning Intentions (LI) are linked to the grade level standard. These can focus on knowledge, skills or concepts. LI help students know what they expected to learn. (TCPB, Module 3)
Success Criteria (SC) should provide a pathway to the Learning Intention. SC can include multiple steps leading to successful learning and not just a single criterion. SC will allow teachers to monitor student progress toward LI and help learners answer the question, “How will I know that I have learned it?” (TCPB, Module 4)
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